The corona crisis is not making it easy for the organizers of trade fairs and events this year either. In mid-January, AgriBevents decided not to let the Agri Days take place on March 4, 5 and 6. However, the organization team does not give up and is now setting a new date in consultation with the exhibitors. The countdown to a happy reunion with the agricultural sector can begin!

Postpone but no adjustment
AgriBevents initially thought of immediately postponing the fair to 2024. However, the Chairman receives numerous signals every day that many people in the agricultural sector need social and commercial contacts.
“The corona crisis is clearly starting to weigh on everyone. People want to come out again, meet each other and look forward to something,” he says. “In addition, in recent weeks, various companies have also spontaneously indicated that – after almost all other agricultural fairs have disappeared – there is a need for a contact moment for our sector. That is why we have launched a survey among registered exhibitors to postpone the Agri Days to a later date. Based on this and after thorough consideration of all the pros and cons, we have now decided to let the fourth edition of the renewed Agridagen take place in the weekend from Friday 20 to Sunday 22 May. That was also the choice of 85% of the more than 160 companies that responded to our survey.”
Back to a 'normal' fair
Everything now depends on the further evolution of the pandemic, but the organization team is already enthusiastic.
“Obviously, we will only effectively organize the fair if it can take place in a quasi-normal manner. Based on the current evolution, we hope that the agricultural sector will be able to meet in a relaxed atmosphere in May. A casual chat without a catering protocol, that's what we strive for. We are convinced that – after a long period of limited social contact – it will be a very warm reunion.”

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