Connectum NV is a designer and producer in Wuustwezel of water and energy saving products. The Clicfloats floating solar panels and ICOS cover cones provide optimal water cover and protection with green energy yield. The products are made from in-house recycled plastic. Connectum is also known for its Clics toy blocks, which it has been producing in the Noorderkempen for more than 20 years.

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ClicFloats floating solar panels:

  • give extra 8% energy yield than on roofs thanks to the cooling effect of water – ICOS cover cones prevent water evaporation and algae formation and keep the temperature of the water under better control.
  • The combination of the two concepts ClicFloats and ICOS offers an optimal result for greenhouse growers, who make multiple use of their “land” – the Connectum system is modular, maintenance-friendly and safe.

ClicFloats is a flexible and sturdy mounting system for floating solar panels: easy and quick to install, metal-free, without sharp edges, every panel is always accessible, developed in a circular manner. The panels also cover the water surface and keep the water cooler and reduce algae formation. Compared to PV installation on the ground or roof, the installation on water 10% provides more green energy yield.

ICOS are 17x17 cm lightweight, solid, robust and durable cover cones made of recycled food-grade plastic, filled with approx. 40 cl of water. In combination with ClicFloats, Icos help for approximately 40% less water evaporation than with a classic tarpaulin. It keeps the water cooler in the warm periods, which means that the development of germs can also increase less. Icos keep birds away, require no maintenance and adapt to any water level.