Programma | Prijskampen

Everything about our animal competitions

Animals belong at an agricultural fair! That is why we are also organizing a number of animal prize camps this edition. Read all about it here. 

CRV - dairy cattle competition

Thursday is traditionally dedicated to dairy cattle. For the first time, red and white and black and white will be judged together. However, separate championships are planned for red and white. During this edition, young, uncalved animals will also enter the ring. In addition to the new youth section, a production class will also be set up. Only cows with an impressive lifetime production of at least 60,000 kg of milk will compete against each other. With this production class, breeders get the chance to show the sustainability of Holstein cows to the general public. European jury member Andrea Uhrig will expertly place the animals in dairy cattle. Andrea runs a dairy farm with Holstein and Jersey together with her brother Manfred in Sulzbach (Germany). In 2019, Manfred judged the national competition in Brussels.


CRV - white-blue competition

The pinnacle of Flemish breeding with Belgian Blue will participate in Ghent with the most beautiful female cattle born in Flanders. Animals may participate from the age of 9 months. This edition will be the first time that a category is provided for cow with calf. The jury consists of Jan Declerck, Geert Demasure and Guy Vanderbecq. The first two are Flemish beef cattle farmers who have been active in the blue-white breeding for years with their own breeding farm, respectively 'Van 't Goed ter Wallen' and 'van Ter Bos'. Vanderbecq is a breeder from Thieu in Wallonia, who is no stranger to the competition world with his company 'la Ferme de la Croix'.

BDAV - competition Blonde d'Aquitaine

The Blonde d`Aquitaine breed has clearly been on the rise in Flanders in recent years. This was also proven by the success of the prize competition at Agriflanders, which is now in its 3rd edition. The breed is especially appreciated for its superior meat quality, even at an older age. The cows and their calves are kept in herds and a stud bull is often used for natural covering.
With this competition, the organizer BDAV wants to continue to promote this special breed.


Presentation Herd-Book Limousin Belge

For the first time we welcome the Belgian studbook for Limousin cattle at Agriflanders: 'Herd-Book Limousin Belge'. They will exhibit 8 cattle and a few calves. On Friday, during the break of the white-blue competition, they will also present their breed to our public.
The first Limousins arrived in Belgium 50 years ago. The breed has evolved enormously in the meantime, both in terms of character, volume and growth. The meat is characterized by a deep red color and beautiful marbling.

BMP - Winter Fun Show Belgian Miniature Horse

After the success of the previous edition, BMP is once again organising the Winterfunshow.
This competition is all about FUN with the horse! The concept itself is not new, but it is the very first time that BMP organizes such an event. To keep it pleasant and fun for the horses, the horses may not be shaved for the quality series! Otherwise, the horses will have to go through the rest of the winter without their thick, natural winter coat.


Belgian Shetland Pony Stud Book - National Competition

On Saturday, the Belgian StudBook of the Shetland Pony organizes its national championship. The best ponies from all corners of the country participate to win the coveted championship title in the different categories (stallion/mare) and sizes (from large to super-mini). Mirror, mirror on the wall…? It promises to be exciting!

The Flemish Horse - vaulting demo

The Flemish Horse is a cold-blooded type with a very reliable character. Moreover, it can be used multifunctionally as a draft horse, riding horse or harness horse. The smooth gait and calm look in combination with a sufficient temperament appeals to many horse lovers.
The Flemish Horse will be exhibited at Agriflanders and will be in action on the track on Saturday afternoon with a vaulting demonstration.


KHV - Open Flemish ram and ewe lamb championship for meat and dairy sheep

The Flemish Championships for rams and ewe lambs will once again be organized for the most important dairy and meat sheep breeds.
In addition, at the stand of KHV (Kleine Herkauwers Vlaanderen) you will once again find an extensive exhibition that offers the visitor a complete overview of the many recognized sheep and goat breeds and their most typical characteristics. Here, both professional and hobby growers can look for the most suitable genetics for their business or hobby.

KMBT - Belgian Draft Horse National Competition

The Belgian Draft Horse remains our public favorite number one at all kinds of events. The cream of it will be shown again on Sunday afternoon at Agriflanders.



Agriflanders takes place in Flanders Expo in Ghent, one of the largest event complexes in Belgium and located just next to the E40.

Agriflora BV

Kortrijksesteenweg 1144k
B-9051 Sint-Denijs-Westrem

Tel: 09 245 36 13
Fax: 09 245 36 11


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